Terms of use
I am at least 18 years old and I agree to share this information with Les Enfants du Rhône Bar à Vin.
The purpose of the present "general terms of use" is to provide a legal framework for the provision of the services of the site www.lesenfantsdurhone.boutique and their use by the "User".
The general conditions of use must be accepted by any User wishing to access the site. They constitute the contract between the site and the User. The access to the site by the User means his acceptance of the present general conditions of use.
www.lesenfantsdurhone.boutique reserves the right to modify unilaterally and at any time the contents of the present general conditions of use.
The present clause aims to define the various essential terms of the contract:
User: this term refers to any person who uses the site or one of the services offered by the site.
User content: this is the data transmitted by the User within the site.
Member: the User becomes a member when he is identified on the site.
WINE FOR BREAKFAST or the company: limited liability company with a capital of 5 000 €, located at 8 rue des mariniers 69420 Condrieu, registered at the RCS of LYON under the SIREN number 897936720, intra-community VAT number FR86897936720.
User ID and password: this is all the information necessary to identify a User on the site. The identifier and the password allow the User to order products sold on the Site. The password is confidential.
The site allows the User free access to the following services:
Presentation of the concept Les Enfants du Rhône Caviste
Consult the location of existing stores
Access to the catalog presenting a part of the products referenced in the central purchasing office, with indicative prices and subject to availability in stores and in the central purchasing office
Access to the blog in which is presented the news of the network Les Enfants du Rhône Caviste
Access to online sales of Products available on the Site
Access to careers via the site Les Enfants du Rhône Caviste : https://www.lesenfantsdurhone.boutique/nous-contacter
The site is accessible free of charge anywhere to any User with Internet access. All costs incurred by the User to access the service (computer hardware, software, Internet connection, etc.) are at the User's expense.
The non-member User must create an account and identify himself with his login and password.
The Site implements all the means at its disposal to ensure quality access to its services. The obligation being of means, the Site does not commit itself to reach this result.
Any event due to a case of absolute necessity having for consequence a dysfunction of the network or the server does not engage the responsibility of www.lesenfantsdurhone.boutique.
The User has the possibility to contact the site by e-mail at boutique@lesenfantsdurhone.com.
In order to place an order on the Site, the member must create a personal account. The Member must fill in the form in order to provide all the personal information necessary for the opening of his account and the execution of the order, namely, the title, the name and surname, the billing address, the delivery address, a telephone number, a valid e-mail address corresponding to the Member's login, and the creation of a password. The Member declares that he/she is of legal age and undertakes to provide truthful and accurate information. In any case, the email address must be valid and accessible by the Member. Under no circumstances shall LES ENFANTS DU RHÔNE CAVISTE CONNECT be held responsible for the Member's temporary or permanent inability to access his or her e-mail address.
Furthermore, the Member undertakes to regularly update his or her information, and more particularly before each order.
At each visit, when the Member wishes to access his or her personal information in the "My Account" space or when placing a new order, he or she must first identify himself or herself by entering his or her username and password.
It is agreed that the online communication of identifiers is proof of the Member's identity and has the value of an electronic signature within the meaning of the Civil Code, the identifiers being personal, individual, confidential and non-transferable. In general, the Member is entirely responsible for the use of the identifiers concerning him/her, and is responsible for keeping his/her password. He/she shall ensure that no other unauthorized person has access to his/her personal account.
The Member agrees to immediately inform LES ENFANTS DU RHÔNE CAVISTE CONNECT of any unauthorized use of his identifiers and/or any breach of security of his account.
LES ENFANTS DU RHÔNE CAVISTE CONNECT shall not be held responsible for the lack of diligence of the Member in creating his or her personal account, in modifying and updating his or her personal information, or in providing false information, which may affect the delivery of the Sales Order. LES ENFANTS DU RHÔNE CAVISTE CONNECT may at any time verify the accuracy and conformity of the personal information provided. Should LES ENFANTS DU RHÔNE CAVISTE CONNECT find that any of the information provided is false and/or misleading, it shall be entitled to ask the Member to provide further information or to modify the information provided and reserves the right to suspend or terminate any contractual relationship with the Member or to suspend access to the Member.
The trademarks, logos, signs and any other content of the site are protected by the Intellectual Property Code and more particularly by copyright.
The User requests prior authorization from the site for any reproduction, publication or copy of the various contents.
The User undertakes to use the contents of the site in a strictly private context. A use of the contents for commercial purposes is strictly forbidden.
Any content put online by the User is his sole responsibility. The User undertakes not to put online any content that could harm the interests of third parties. Any legal action taken by an injured third party against the site will be borne by the User.
User Content may be removed or modified by the Site at any time and for any reason. The User shall not receive any justification and notification prior to the deletion or modification of User Content.
Le site assure à l’Utilisateur une collecte et un traitement d’informations personnelles dans le respect de la vie privée conformément à la loi n°78-17 du 6 janvier 1978 modifiée relative à l’informatique, aux fichiers et aux libertés ainsi que du Règlement 679/2016 du 27 avril 2016 relatif à la protection des données (RGPD).
Nous ne recueillerons pas de données supplémentaires sans vous en informer au préalable. Les données personnelles recueillies sur notre site seront utilisées uniquement aux fins précisées dans la présente politique ou indiquées sur les pages pertinentes de notre site.
Pour remédier à la prolifération des démarchages téléphoniques non désirés par les consommateurs, la loi Hamon relative à la consommation du 17 mars 2014 a créé dans le code de la consommation une liste d'opposition au démarchage téléphonique. Le consommateur pourra s'inscrire gratuitement sur cette liste : www.bloctel.gouv.fr. LES ENFANTS DU RHÔNE CAVISTE CONNECT, comme tout professionnel a l'interdiction de démarcher les utilisateurs inscrits sur cette liste, sauf s'il s'agit d’utilisateurs préalables. La loi interdit la vente ou la location de fichiers contenant les données téléphoniques et les coordonnées de consommateurs inscrits sur une liste d'opposition.
Les sources des informations diffusées sur le site sont réputées fiables. Toutefois, le site se réserve la faculté d’une non-garantie de la fiabilité des sources. Les informations données sur le site le sont à titre purement informatif. Ainsi, l’Utilisateur assume seul l’entière responsabilité de l’utilisation des informations et contenus du présent site.
L’Utilisateur s’assure de garder son mot de passe secret. Toute divulgation du mot de passe, quelle que soit sa forme, est interdite.
L’Utilisateur assume les risques liés à l’utilisation de son identifiant et mot de passe. Le site décline toute responsabilité.
Tout usage du service par l’Utilisateur ayant directement ou indirectement pour conséquence des dommages doit faire l’objet d’une indemnisation au profit du site.
Une garantie optimale de la sécurité et de la confidentialité des données transmises n’est pas assurée par le site. Toutefois, le site s’engage à mettre en œuvre tous les moyens nécessaires afin de garantir au mieux la sécurité et la confidentialité des données.
La responsabilité du site ne peut être engagée en cas de force majeure ou du fait imprévisible et insurmontable d’un tiers.
De nombreux liens hypertextes sortants sont présents sur le site, cependant les pages web où mènent ces liens n’engagent en rien la responsabilité de www.lesenfantsdurhone.boutique qui n’a pas le contrôle de ces liens.
L’Utilisateur s’interdit donc à engager la responsabilité du site concernant le contenu et les ressources relatives à ces liens hypertextes sortants.
French law applies to this contract. In the event of failure to reach an amicable settlement of a dispute between the parties, only the French courts shall have jurisdiction.
French law applies to this contract. In the event of failure to reach an amicable settlement of a dispute between the parties, only the French courts shall have jurisdiction.
The site allows members to post comments.
In its publications, the member undertakes to respect the rules of Netiquette and the rules of law in force.
The site exercises a posteriori moderation on the publications and reserves the right to refuse to put them online, without having to justify this to the member.
The member remains the owner of all his intellectual property rights. However, by publishing a publication on the site, he/she gives WINE FOR BREAKFAST the non-exclusive and free right to represent, reproduce, adapt, modify, broadcast and distribute his/her publication, directly or through an authorized third party, throughout the world, on any medium (digital or physical), for the duration of the intellectual property. In particular, the Member grants the right to use his or her publication on the Internet and on mobile telephone networks.
The company WINE FOR BREAKFAST editor undertakes to include the name of the member near each use of his publication.
WINE FOR BREAKFAST undertakes to ensure the functioning of the Site in order to allow an optimal use under the conditions defined in the present general conditions.
The User declares to be aware of the unreliability of the Internet network, especially :
- On the security in the transmission of data,
- On the obligation to protect his equipment or his computer network with an anti-virus regularly updated,
- On the non-guaranteed performances in terms of volume and speed of data transmission,
- On the fact that the continuity of access to the service is not guaranteed.
The service may be occasionally suspended due to maintenance interventions necessary for the proper functioning of the site.
WINE FOR BREAKFAST shall not be held responsible in case of malfunctioning of the Site due to maintenance, technical problems, inability to access the Site and failure of the hosting server.